Oh, Nation,


Before anything else – a fundamental matter – the question of whether you exist and whether there is anyone to address. It has become fashionable to believe that you don’t, because it's the people who exist, feel, suffer, and listen, not nations. While I value sober reduction as a handy tool, especially when ethically motivated, I can't overlook the fact that when taken to extremes, it becomes self-proving nonsense. Infinites in simple arithmetic don't end well. But multiplicities have their theories and theorems, many of which can neither be proven nor disproven, but that doesn't stop them from being handy tools of their own kind. Besides, it's only the drunken monkey that becomes human. So, I assume that yes, you do exist, and I will speak to you, even if you don't listen to me. Expect more to come.


With respect,

Aleksander Nowak