Drach. Dramma per musica
for soloists, harpsichord, strings and looper (2019)
for soloists, harpsichord, strings and looper (2019)

Fragment 1
Fragment 2
Fragment 3
libretto: Szczepan Twardoch
The author of the libretto, with a radical cut, extracted the essence of his novel, limiting the plot to a minimum, focusing on the emotions of several human and animal heroes appearing in selected scenes connected by a mysterious thread. Everything is commented on by the eponymous, all-knowing, eternal spirit of the Silesian land.
The composer created a musical narrative contained in a three-part circular dramatic form. The singing of the three soloists is accompanied by a raw instrumentation, referring to the first musical dramas, limited to the harpsichord and strings. For the first time in a dramatic work, the Silesian language has been (alongside Polish and German).
The composition was created in 2019 on commission by the Auksodrone Festival and the Chamber Orchestra of the City of Tychy AUKSO, with the support of the IMiT Composer Commissions program.
Performance history:
PREMIERE: 4-6.10.2019, Auksodrone Festival in Tychy;
performers: Joanna Freszel, Jan Jakub Monowid, Sebastian Szumski,
Marcin Świątkiewicz, Chamber Orchestra of the City of Tychy AUKSO, Marek Moś
Recordings history:
7-9.10.2019; Joanna Freszel, Jan Jakub Monowid, Sebastian Szumski,
Marcin Świątkiewicz, Chamber Orchestra of the City of Tychy AUKSO, Marek Moś; sound engineering: Beata Jankowska-Burzyńska; Concert Hall of the Academy of Music in Katowice; recording for PWM