for flute and tuba (2023)
for flute and tuba (2023)
"Revolutions" for flute and tuba were created in the summer of 2023, commissioned by the Art Mintaka Foundation, with the "Special Copernican Concert" in mind, held on the occasion of the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus's birth.
The title of the piece refers to the astronomer's scientific theories, but not those concerning the revolutions of celestial bodies, but to a less known theorem about circles: "If inside a large circle, a smaller circle with a radius half as big rolls without slipping, any fixed point on the small circle moves linearly across the diameter of the large circle."
The sound material in the piece is also an echo of ideas from another Mikołaj (Nicolas Slonimsky 1894-1995), whose "Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns" is an inexhaustible source of melodic inspiration.
PREMIERE: December 10, 2023; Agnieszka Bartoszewicz – flute, Robert Bartoszewicz - tuba; District Museum in Bydgoszcz; 5th Art Mintaka Festival