The Tale of the Heart. Favola in musica

for voice, male choir, percussion and strings (2022)

The composition is a drama to the libretto by Radek Rak, based on his Nike Award winning novel Baśń o wężowym sercu (A Fairy Tale About the Snake’s Heart). The story is partly passed on the historical person Jakub Szela – a 19th century peasant rebel, leader of the Galicjan Uprising. However the main characters in the novel, as well as the drama (Jakób and Wiktoryn) are just a far echo of the real story; they are rather symbols of universal human virtues and flaws (predominantly flaws), immersed in peasant mythology.

The piece was commissioned by AUKSO The Tychy City Chamber Orchestra, with the support of Composer’s Commissions Programme in 2022.



PREMIERE: 08/10/2022 Mediateka, Tychy, auksodrone festival; performers: Adam Strug, Hubert Zemler, "Camerata Silesia" The Katowice City Singers' Ensemble, AUKSO, Marek Moś



10/10/2022 Adam Strug, Hubert Zemler, "Camerata Silesia" The Katowice City Singers' Ensemble, AUKSO, Marek Moś; sound engineer - Beata Jankowska-Burzyńska; Mediateka Tychy

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