To the words
for mixed choir and symphony orchestra (2018)
for mixed choir and symphony orchestra (2018)
hastidasaṇā | elephants
Asoka; Rock edicts, Magadha, c. 250 bc
πλοία [ploía] | ships
Theodora; Great (Holy) Palace, Constantinople, 1/13/532
anisello | donkey
Girolamo Savonarola; Cathedral, Florence, 12/05/1496
William Cobbett; House of Commons, London, 18/07/1833
voyages | travels
Simone Weil; Parliament, Paris, November 26, 1974
رطملاك [kalmatar] | rain
Osama bin Laden; al Jazeera, October 29, 2004
überzeugung | conviction
Joseph Ratzinger; Bundestag, Berlin, September 22, 2011
fala | wave
Jaroslaw Kaczynski; Monument of the Great Synagogue, Białystok, 27/06/2016
The composition was created in 2018 on commission of the National Philharmonic and the Warsaw Autumn Festival, with the support of the IMiT compositional commission program.
Performance history:
PREMIERE: 21/09/2018, Warsaw Autumn Festival; National Philharmonic in Warsaw
performers: Choir and Orchestra of the National Philharmonic in Warsaw; Johannes Kalitzke