I'm moving quickly now. Episodically. I'm working on planned segments: dialogues, monologues, and let's say dance fragments. Then, catching my breath, I correct and complete them. My method: HIIW, High Intensity Interval Writing. I'm a well-oiled machine. I work at high speed and change the oil often. It used to be different; I didn't care about the oil and flooded the engine with flammable substances. The belief that flammability promotes so-called creativity is one of the biggest myths in circulation. Flammability only promotes illusions. Anyway, I'm speeding ahead. To those who think it's too fast, I wave a flag goodbye.


And something compels me to listen to Beethoven. I must confess that Beethoven bores me. Maybe I didn't need to confess that, but something made me. Not all of it bores me. I'll come back to this another time.


The episodes will culminate, and then the developed introduction will return. The longest straight stretch is ahead of me. I'll probably avoid the brake.