Someone might ask someday, perhaps, if one listens closely, whether I confused idioms, courtly with rustic. No, I did not confuse them. It's you, the Nation, who confused and still confuses service with debt, offense with humility, and pride with arrogance. And also admiration with envy. Each one towards the other, but above all, towards oneself. Love thy neighbor, exactly as it should be, like one's own – conditional. Well, anyway, the idioms are in their rightful places.


I was once in Bronowice. On a so-called class trip. Nomen omen. We were supposed to visit Rydlówka, but renovation works were underway, so we could only stand for a moment in front of the doors. We stood and watched as a man on the roof changed the covering. "Is Lucjan home?", someone called out. The man looked down from above, but did not answer. We stood a little longer in silence.