It's not easy to resist temptations, right, Nation? And there are many temptations all around. And they are not like traps in the forest that one avoids with fear and without regret, but like scattered baits without cages. The cage is supposedly somewhere farther away, and the baits supposedly lead to it, inevitably they say, but who knows for sure? Right? Surely, many gather these treasures and disappear with them.


Good, well-behaved Nation. And poor. They beat it, threaten it, though it harms no one. But also brave. It can defend the weak. Just and pure. It also has its deep wisdom. But it does not show off. It is hard-working and conscientious. Loyal and honest. And handsome, as a picture. A wonderful Nation, a true treasure. Mom loves it, and dad is proud.


You deserve candies, Nation.