It's difficult to communicate, isn't it, Nation? Everything stands in the way. Words are ambiguous, gestures and facial expressions are unclear, and above all, the matters of the world are infinitely convoluted. Everywhere you turn, there is an incomplete history or an uncertain forecast, contradictory diagnoses and prescriptions. And on top of that, there is perhaps the only belief common to everyone, embedded in the genetic code by some seemingly necessary law of evolution and natural selection, that one is surrounded solely by stupid and vile people. At best, naive.


Even worse is the hope that there can be an exception to this universal law. That someone will finally appear who will educate the stupid and punish the vile. Who will explain everything once and for all. Forgive, comfort, and soothe. Protect and lead towards the light.


But absolutely the worst of all is to believe that you are the exception yourself.