A few remarks on the side. About music theory: what is it for? Well, for nothing. But it is a nothing of a special kind. Similar to a few other activities whose meaning and purpose are persistently and unsuccessfully questioned, but are equally persistently practiced. They are for nothing in the sense that they do not serve any unequivocally and individually measurable goal, which does not mean that nothing comes out of them. They are for nothing in the sense that they are selfless. When music theory tries to pursue measurable goals and when concrete and applicable results are expected from it, it becomes a poor parody of science. But much can come from it. For example, amazement at the heights that some manage to reach from time to time. Or a fuller understanding of proportions and one's own place in history.


What are these remarks for? If someone has read this far, they will easily answer for themselves. And how do these remarks relate to the guitar concerto? I don't know. I got out of the bottom and continue to plod on.