I'm recovering. With some difficulty, because the vortex this time was particularly large and strong. Or perhaps it was a centrifuge. High-speed. One that precipitates particles of different masses and densities from a substance. It allows the separation of components and a closer look at them individually.
In any case, I'm done. I still can't say much more about the piece, except that it is an opera for solo voice, a small choir, and a compact orchestra, likely with a few dancers. That it tells a twentieth-century story and draws some musical inspiration from that era. And that while everything ended well, it's a poor consolation. The premiere is planned for the middle of this year.
Once I've fully recovered, so probably tomorrow, I'll start on the next project. This time much smaller, with a didactic-utilitarian character. An interesting challenge. One of those you think about a lot until the world creates the circumstances to take it on. So I take it on boldly. More in a week.