Quite unexpectedly, Şeküre returns to the stage. Unexpectedly, the opening night will happen, it seems. And it will happen very soon, in June, although only in concert form to begin with. And, just as unexpectedly, I had to go back to this piece and revise it in a couple of places, which is what has been occupying my mind quite intensely recently. Just for a while longer. It is not easy to reopen a chapter that has already been closed, but – unexpectedly – it can be done.


As I’m here opening things that I thought were closed, I also returned to Things for a moment. I can't stop thinking about one moment. Around one of the peaks in the piece – the introduction to part two, which was to be entirely instrumental. But maybe it won’t be. I asked Marcin for another piece of text and he sent me a suggestion immediately. I will let it sit and simmer for a while, but I think I’ll add that change.


I’m also working on one 12-tone series, one that will likely go towards a concerto with piano. It has different internal symmetries and different variations are possible. I rarely enjoy such puzzles. But it happens. The juxtaposition of these combinations with a completely different provenance of an idea I mentioned recently – the one as old as I am – might distinctly reflect, like an echo, that thematic duality of classical form. That idea is one of the first, shall I say, with apologies, surge of my imagination. A starting point of sorts. I feel a sentimental attachment to it.


(transl. Magdalena Małek-Andrzejowska)