It looks as if the Sun continues to revolve around the Earth, or in any case, every morning it rises and every evening it disappears somewhere, shining and giving out warmth as it goes. Nothing indicates that this should change, that anything could move the Earth from its place, or pose a threat to the solar power. That’s all good. That's all well. I kind doubt it a little whether truth sets anyone free, though. A little, not completely, to be honest.


As to what’s happening now. Firstly, I’m going back to the vision I mentioned here once: of a large, empty and shimmering space dressed in something resembling a piano concerto. That vision escaped me a little, and I’ve got some other ideas too. One is very old, almost as old as I am. Others are younger, less specific. 


And secondly, I’m taking up on something that I can’t fully embrace in my mind just yet. It has clearly been brewing for a long while, maybe from the very beginning, even. In fact, quite accidentally, I’ve been preparing myself for it, even though until very recently I would've never thought that anything would come out of it. But still (again) various forces and powers must come to an agreement for that to happen. Still nothing might come out of it. But rather it will.


It’s not early. But it’s not late either, yet. It is midday. Solstizio d’estate.


(transl. Magdalena Małek-Andrzejowska)